School Board of Trustees

Crystal City Independent School District

Board of Trustees


President                Ray Espinosa

Vice-President        Sammy Houston

Secretary                Cruz Mata

Member                  Peggy Young 

Member                  Vince Martinez

Member                  Gabriel Espinosa

Member                  Victor Bonilla III


Reorganization: 11/18/2024

Board of Trustees



Victor Bonilla III

November 2018

November 2022*

November 2026

Manuel “Ray” Espinosa

November 2012

November 2016*

November 2020*

November 2024*

November 2028

Gabriel Espinosa

  November 2022

November 2026

 Vince Martinez   November 2024  November 2028

Sammy Houston

November 2022

November 2026

Cruz Mata

November 2020

November 2024*

November 2028

Peggy Young

November 2012

November 2016*

November 2020*

November 2024*

November 2028

Elections are held every 2 years in November.
Board members serve 4-year terms.
Four positions will be open for the November 3, 2026 General Elections.
CCISD will hold Joint Elections with the County of Zavala.
Candidates for the November 5, 2024 CCISD Board of Trustees General Election were:
1) Cruz Mata
2) Peggy Young
3) Ray Espinosa
4) Nora Flores-Guerrero
5) Vince Martinez
6) Rose Ramirez
7) Jose Uribes
ELECTION DAY VOTING - November 5, 2024 
Polling Places: (TBA)
Precinct 1A - Zavala County Courthouse, District Courtroom, 200 E Uvalde St, Crystal City, TX
Precinct 2 -  Zavala County Courthouse, Commissioner's Courtroom, 200 E Uvalde St, Crystal City, TX
Precinct 3 - Justice of the Peace, Pct 3 Office, 700 E Lake St, Crystal City, TX
Precinct 4A - Zavala County Road Dept, 1700 N US Hwy 83, Crystal City, TX






(a)  To be eligible to be a candidate for, or elected or appointed to, a public elective office in this state, a person must:

(1)  be a United States citizen;

(2)  be 18 years of age or older on the first day of the term to be filled at the election or on the date of appointment, as applicable;

(3)  have not been determined by a final judgment of a court exercising probate jurisdiction to be:

(A)  totally mentally incapacitated; or

(B)  partially mentally incapacitated without the right to vote;

(4)  have not been finally convicted of a felony from which the person has not been pardoned or otherwise released from the resulting disabilities;

(5)  have resided continuously in the state for 12 months and in the territory from which the office is elected for six months immediately preceding the following date:

(A)  for a candidate whose name is to appear on a general primary election ballot, the date of the regular filing deadline for a candidate's application for a place on the ballot;

(B)  for an independent candidate, the date of the regular filing deadline for a candidate's application for a place on the ballot;

(C)  for a write-in candidate, the date of the election at which the candidate's name is written in;

(D)  for a party nominee who is nominated by any method other than by primary election, the date the nomination is made; and

(E)  for an appointee to an office, the date the appointment is made;

(6)  on the date described by Subdivision (5), be registered to vote in the territory from which the office is elected; and

(7)  satisfy any other eligibility requirements prescribed by law for the office.


School Board Trustee (Education Code, Chapter 11)
1) Residence -- 1 year in state and 6 months in school district prior to filing deadline (Texas Elec. Code, Section 141.001(a); Brown v. Patterson, 609 SW 2nd 287)
2) Age -- 18 years or older
3) Must be a registered voter in territory elected from by the filing deadline
Form, Content, and Procedure:
An application for a place on the ballot must be in writing; signed, sworn to by the candidate before a person authorized to administer an oath, and dated; timely filed with the district's filing authority (Superintendent's secretary), and contain information about the candidate.
First Day to File for Place on General Ballot: Saturday, July 18, 2026
Last Day to File for Place on General Ballot:  Monday, August 17, 2026 at 5 p.m.
Last Day to File a Declaration for Write-In Candidacy: Friday, August 21, 2026
Last Day to File Certificate of Withdrawal: Monday, August 24, 2024
Application Packets available at 613 W. Zavala St, Crystal City, Texas
Mailing address: 805 E. Crockett St, Crystal City, Texas  78839
Phone: 830-374-0075, ext. 103